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Lhoksumawe, Aceh
Nama saya Muhammad Ghaysar Tsaqiif diberikan oleh ibu dan Ayah dengan maksud agar saya benar kelak menjadi pengikut muhammmad bin Abdillah yang berkuasa dan sangat cerdas. Adapun Ghaysar diambil dari bahasa Yunani yang berarti yang berkuasa, dan Tsaqiif diadopsi dari bahasa Arab yang artinya Sangat Cerdas.Saya lahir di Lhoksumawe, tepat di Rumah Sakit PT.Arun pada jam 9:55 pagi melalui operasi. kata Ayah saya, sebelum nya saya direncanakan lahir secara normal namun karena berat saya 4,40 kg dan panjang 51cm saya harus keluar melalui oprasi. kata Ayah saya juga perjuangan ibu luar biasa saat mencoba melahirkan saya secara norma, ibu saya berjuang selama hampir 8 jam dangan dibantu makcik saya yang kebetulan seorang bidan juga.Ibu nyaris saja pingsan. Saya sekarang tinggal di Nagan Raya, meninggalkan kakek nenek saya yang di Samahani Dan Biruen untuk beberapa waktu karen tugas kedua orang tua saya. Demikian sementara tentang saya..teman-teman

Jumat, 03 Juni 2011

HOW DO WE GET OUR OWN LANGUAGE ? (Phycliguistict handout for STKIP Bina Bangsa Meulaboh students by Khairul Zami,S.Pd)

The article is concluded from some articles

Psycholinguistics Study of the mental processes involved in the comprehension, production, and acquisition of language. Much psycholinguistic work has been devoted to the learning of language by children and on speech processing and comprehension by both children and adults. Traditional areas of research include language production, language comprehension, language acquisition, language disorders, language and thought, and neurocognition

theories about how language works in the human mind attempt to account for, among other things, how we associate meaning with the sounds (or signs) of language and how we use syntax—that is, how we manage to put words in the proper order to produce and understand the strings of words we call "sentences". The first of these items—associating sound with meaning—is the least controversial and is generally held to be an area in which animal and human communication have at least some things in common (See animal communication). Syntax, on the other hand, is controversial, and is the focus of the discussion that follows.

There are essentially two schools of thought as to how we manage to create syntactic sentences: (1) syntax is an evolutionary product of increased human intelligence over time and social factors that encouraged the development of spoken language; (2) language exists because humans possess an innate ability, an access to what has been called a "universal grammar". This view holds that the human ability for syntax is "hard-wired" in the brain. This view claims, for example, that complex syntactic features such as recursion are beyond even the potential abilities of the most intelligent and social non-humans. (Recursion includes the use of relative pronouns to refer back to earlier parts of a sentence ("The girl whose car is blocking my view of the tree that I planted last year is my friend.")) The innate view claims that the ability to use syntax like that would not exist without an innate concept that contains the underpinnings for the grammatical rules that produce recursion. Children acquiring a language, thus, have a vast search space to explore among possible human grammars, settling, logically, on the language(s) spoken or signed in their own community of speakers. Such syntax is, according to the second point of view, what defines human language and makes it different from even the most sophisticated forms of animal communication.

Language Acquisition

Language acquisition, the process of learning a native or a second language. The acquisition of native languages is studied primarily by developmental psychologists and psycholinguists. Although how children learn to speak is not perfectly understood, most explanations involve both the observation that children copy what they hear and the inference that human beings have a natural aptitude for understanding grammar. While children usually learn the sounds and vocabulary of their native language through imitation, grammar is seldom taught to them explicitly; that they nonetheless rapidly acquire the ability to speak grammatically supports the theory advanced by Noam Chomsky and other proponents of transformational grammar. According to this view, children are able to learn the "superficial" grammar of a particular language because all intelligible languages are founded on a "deep structure" of grammatical rules that are universal and that correspond to an innate capacity of the human brain. Stages in the acquisition of a native language can be measured by the increasing complexity and originality of a child's utterances. Children at first may overgeneralize grammatical rules and say, for example, goed (meaning went), a form they are unlikely to have heard, suggesting that they have intuited or deduced complex grammatical rules (here, how to conjugate regular verbs) and failed only to learn exceptions that cannot be predicted from a knowledge of the grammar alone. The acquisition of second or foreign languages is studied primarily by applied linguists. People learning a second language pass through some of the same stages, including overgeneralization, as do children learning their native language. However, people rarely become as fluent in a second language as in their native tongue. Some linguists see the earliest years of childhood as a critical period, after which the brain loses much of its facility for assimilating new languages. Most traditional methods for learning a second language involve some systematic approach to the analysis and comprehension of grammar as well as to the memorization of vocabulary. The cognitive approach, increasingly favored by experts in language acquisition, emphasizes extemporaneous conversation, immersion, and other techniques intended to simulate the environment in which most people acquire their native language as children.

William James (1890) described the world of the newborn as a "blooming, buzzing confusion." It is now known, however, that, on the auditory level at least, the newborn's world is remarkably well structured. The cochlea (in the inner ear) and the auditory nerve (which connects the inner ear with the brain) provide extensive preprocessing of signals for pitch and intensity. In the 1970s and 1980s, researchers discovered that human infants were specifically adapted at birth to perceive contrasts in sounds such as that between /p/and /b/, as in the words pit and bit. Subsequent research showed that even chinchillas are capable of making this distinction. This suggests that much of the basic structure of the infant's auditory world can be attributed to fundamental processes in the mammalian ear. Moreover, there is evidence that some of these early perceptual abilities are lost as the infant begins to acquire the distinctions actually used by the native language. Beyond this basic level of auditory processing, it appears that infants have a remarkable capacity to record and store sequences of auditory events. It is as if the infant has a tape recorder in the brain's auditory cortex that records input sounds, replays them, and accustoms the ear to their patterns.
Children tend to produce their first words sometime between nine and twelve months. One-year-olds have about 5 words in their vocabulary on average, although individual children may have none or as many as thirty; by two years of age, average vocabulary size is more than 150 words, with a range among individual children from as few as 10 to as many as 450 words. Children possess a vocabulary of about 14,000 words by six years of age; adults have an estimated average of 40,000 words in their working vocabulary at age forty. In order to achieve such a vocabulary, a child must learn to say at least a few new words each day from birth.
One of the best predictors of a child's vocabulary development is the amount and diversity of input the child receives. Researchers have found that verbal input can be as great as three times more available in educated families than in less educated families. These facts have led educators to suspect that basic and pervasive differences in the level of social support for language learning lie at the root of many learning problems in the later school years. Social interaction (quality of attachment; parent responsiveness, involvement, sensitivity, and control style) and general intellectual climate (providing enriching toys, reading books, encouraging attention to surroundings) predict developing language competence in children as well. Relatively uneducated and economically disadvantaged mothers talk less frequently to their children compared with more educated and affluent mothers, and correspondingly, children of less educated and less affluent mothers produce less speech. Socioeconomic status relates to both child vocabulary and to maternal vocabulary. Middle-class mothers expose their children to a richer vocabulary, with longer sentences and a greater number of word roots.
Whereas vocabulary development is marked by spectacular individual variation, the development of grammatical and syntactic skills is highly stable across children. Children's early one-word utterances do not yet trigger the need for syntactic patterns, because they are still only one-word long. By the middle of the second year, when children's vocabularies grow to between 50 and 100 words, they begin to combine words in what has been termed "telegraphic speech." Utterances typical of this period include forms such as "where Mommy," "my shoe," "dolly chair," and "allgone banana."
At this same time, children are busy learning to adjust their language to suit their audience and the situation. Learning the pragmatic social skills related to language is an ongoing process. Parents go to great efforts to teach their children to say "please" and "thank you" when needed, to be deferential in speaking to adults, to remember to issue an appropriate greeting when they meet someone, and not to interrupt when others are speaking. Children fine-tune their language skills to maintain conversations, tell stories, ask or argue for favors, or tattle on their classmates. Early on, they also begin to acquire the metalinguistic skills involved in thinking and making judgments about language.
As children move on to higher stages of language development and the acquisition of literacy, they depend increasingly on broader social institutions. They depend on Sunday school teachers for knowledge about Biblical language, prophets, and the geography of the Holy Land. They attend to science teachers to gain vocabulary and understandings about friction, molecular structures, the circulatory system, and DNA. They rely on peers to understand the language of the streets, verbal dueling, and the use of language for courtship. They rely on the media for role models, fantasies, and stereotypes. When they enter the workplace, they will rely on their coworkers to develop a literate understanding of work procedures, union rules, and methods for furthering their status. By reading to their children, telling stories, and engaging in supportive dialogs, parents set the stage for their children's entry into the world of literature and schooling. Here, again, the parent and teacher must teach by displaying examples of the execution and generation of a wide variety of detailed literate practices, ranging from learning to write through outlines to taking notes in lectures.
Special Gift or Emergence?
Having briefly covered the methods used to study language acquisition and the basic phases in development, it is now possible to return to this question: Is language development best characterized as the use of a "special gift" or as an emergent result of various cognitive, neural, physiological, and social pressures? There are good arguments in favor of each position.
The special gift position views language as an instinct. People are often overpowered by the "urge to speak." Young children must feel this urge when they interact with others and have not yet learned how to use words correctly. It is important to recognize, however, that crickets, birds, snakes, and many other species can be possessed by a similar urge to produce audible chirps, songs, and rattling. In themselves, these urges do not amount to a special gift for language learning. Better evidence for the special gift comes from the study of children who have been cut off from communication by cruel parents, ancient Pharaohs, or accidents of nature. The special gift position holds that, if the special gift for language is not exercised by some early age, perhaps six or seven, it will be lost forever. None of the isolation experiments that have been conducted, however, can be viewed as providing good evidence for this claim. In many cases, the children are isolated because they are brain-injured. In other cases, the isolation itself produces brain injury. In a few cases, children as old as six to eight years of age have successfully acquired language even after isolation. Thus, the most that can be concluded from these experiments is that it is unlikely that the special gift expires before age eight.
The second form of evidence in favor of the notion of a special gift comes from the observation that children are able to learn some grammatical structures without apparent guidance from the input. The argumentation involved here is sometimes rather subtle. For example, Chomsky noted that children would never produce "Is the boy who next in line is tall?" as a question deriving from the sentence "The boy who is next in line is tall." Instead, they will inevitably produce the question as, "Is the boy who is next in line tall?" That children always know which of the forms of the verb is to move to the front of the sentence, even without ever having heard such a sentence from their parents, indicates to Chomsky that language must be a special gift.
Although the details of Chomsky's argument are controversial, his basic insight here seems solid. There are some aspects of language that seem so fundamental that humans hardly need to learn them. Nevertheless, the specific structures examined by linguistic theory involve only a small set of core grammatical features. When looking more generally at the full shape of the systems of lexicon, phonology, pragmatics, and discourse, much greater individual variation in terms of overall language proficiency appears.
To explain these differences, it is necessary to view language learning as emerging from multiple sources of support. One source of support is the universal concept all humans have about what language can be. A second source of support is input from parents and peers. This input is most effective when it directly elaborates or expands on things the child has already said. For example, if the child says "Mommy go store," the parent can expand the child's production by saying "Yes, Mommy is going to the store." From expansions of this type, children can learn a wide variety of grammatical and lexical patterns. A third source of support is the brain itself. Through elaborate connections among auditory, vocal, relational, and memory areas, humans are able to store linguistic patterns and experiences for later processing. A fourth source of support are the generalizations that people produce when they systematize and extend language patterns. Recognizing that English verbs tend to produce their past tense by adding the suffix -ed, children can produce over-generalizations such as "goed" or "runned." Although these overgeneralizations are errors, they represent the productive use of linguistic creativity.
Individual children will vary markedly in the extent to which they can rely on these additional sources of support. Children of immigrant families will be forced to acquire the language of the new country not from their parents, but from others. Children with hearing impairments or the temporary impairments brought on by otitis media (ear infections) will have relatively less support for language learning from clear auditory input. Blind children will have good auditory support but relatively less support from visual cues. Children with differing patterns of brain lesions may have preserved auditory abilities, but impaired ability to control speech. Alternatively, other children will have only a few minor impairments to their short-term memory that affect the learning of new words.
Because language is based on such a wide variety of alternative cognitive skills, children can often compensate for deficits in one area by emphasizing their skills in another area. The case of Helen Keller is perhaps the best such example of compensation. Although Keller had lost both her hearing and her vision, she was able to learn words by observing how her guardian traced out patterns of letters in her hand. In this way, even when some of the normal supports are removed, children can still learn language. The basic uses of language are heavily over-determined by this rich system of multiple supports. As a child moves away from the basic uses of language into the more refined areas of literacy and specific genres, progress can slow. In these later periods, language is still supported by multiple sources, but each of the supports grows weaker, and progress toward the full competency required in the modern workplace is less inevitable.
Aslin, Richard N.; Pisoni, D. B.; Hennessey, B. L.; and Perey, A. J. 1981. "Discrimination of Voice Onset Time by Human Infants: New Findings and Implications for the Effects of Early Experience." Child Development 52:1135 - 1145.
Chomsky, Noam. 1982. Some Concepts and Consequences of the Theory of Government and Binding. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.
Fenson, Larry, et al. 1994. Variability in Early Communication Development. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
Fletcher, Paul, and MacWhinney, Brian, eds. 1995. The Handbook of Child Language. Oxford: Blackwell.
Hart, Betty, and Risley, Todd R. 1995. Meaningful Differences in the Everyday Experience of Young American Children. Baltimore: Brookes.
Huttenlocher, Janellen; Haight, W.; Bryk, Anthony; Seltzer, M.; and Lyons, T. 1991. "Early Vocabulary Growth: Relation to Language Input and Gender." Developmental Psychology 27:236 - 248.
James, William. 1890. The Principles of Psychology. New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston.
Keil, Frank C. 1989. Concepts, Kinds, and Cognitive Development. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.
Lenneberg, Eric H. 1967. Biological Foundations of Language. New York: Wiley.
MaCWhinney, Brian. 2000. The CHILDES Project: Tools for Analyzing Talk. Mahwah, NJ: Erlbaum.
McCarthy, D. 1954. "Manual of Child Psychology." In Language Development in Children, ed. L. Carmichael. New York: Wiley.
Piatelli-Palmarini, Massimo. 1980. Language and Learning: The Debate between Jean Piaget and Noam Chomsky. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press.
Pinker, Steven. 1994. The Language Instinct. New York: Morrow.
Saffran, Jenny; Aslin, Richard; and Newport, Elissa. 1996. "Statistical Learning by Eight-Month-Old Infants." Science 274:1926 - 1928.
Templin, Mildred. 1957. Certain Language Skills in Children. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press.
VAN Ijzendoorn, Marinus H.; Dijkstra, J.; and Bus, A. G. 1995. "Attachment, Intelligence, and Language: A Meta-analysis." Social Development 4:115 - 128.
Werker, Janet F. 1995. "Exploring Developmental Changes in Cross-Language Speech Perception." In An Invitation to Cognitive Science, Vol.1: Language, ed. Lila Gleitman and Mark Liberman. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.

Kamis, 26 Mei 2011

Nama Bayi Islami

Kumpuan Nama-nama Islami

Salah satu perintah rasulullah adaha memberi nama yang baik buat anak, nama merupakan doa dan harapan orang tua untuk si anak. Jadi saah besar perkataan yang lazim kita dengar "apalah arti Sebuah Nama"

Berikut beberapa kumpulan nama Islami yang bloger dapat dari beberapa referensi, mudah-mudahan dapat bermanfaat buat sahabat-sahabat yang sedang mencari referensi nama untuk buah hatinya.

Abiyyu Yang mulia jiwanya
Abrar Golongan orang yang berbuat kebajikan
Adib Sastrawan
Adzin Pemimpin
Afdhal Lebih utama
Aflah Lebih sukses
Ahmad Terpuji
Ahnaf Lebih suci(lurus)
Aid Kekuatan
Aiman Kanan, yang memiliki harapan
Ajuj Bercahaya
Akhdan Sahabat
Akmal Lebih Sempurna
Akram Lebih mulia
Alif Ramah
Aman Keamanan
Amanullah Keamanan dari Allah
Amin Aman
Amir Penguasa
Amrullah Perintah Allah
Anas Orang yang kamu sukai, yang lemah lembut
Aniq Bagus, elok dan mengagumkan
Anis Ramah
Anjab Lebih utama dan bernilai
Anshar Kaum Anshor
Anwar Cahaya, sinar
Arab Tujuan, akal, hajat
Arhab Memanjakan, yang lapang hati
Ariz Kokoh dan kuat
Arkan Memuliakan
Asad Singa
Asi Dokter
Asil Yang halus
Asis Pangkal
Asyam Pemimpin yang mulia
Asyraf Lebih mulia
Atsil Yang berasal dari keturunan yang baik
Atsir Dimuliakan
Atwu Pemberian
Aufa Lebih tepat
Aus Srigala
Aushaf Yang mempunyai sifat-sifat baik
Awwab Bertaubat
'Abad Tekun beribadah
'Abbas Singa
'Abduh Hamba-Nya
'Abid Orang yang beribadah
'Abrah Tetesan air mata
'Abud Banyak melakukan ibadah
'Adil Adil
'Adnan Nama orang dahulu
'Afaf Menjaga diri dr perkataan/perbuatan yg layak
'Afi Yang menghampuni
'Afif Orang yang terhindar dari kehinaan
'Akif Beritikad
'Ala' Tinggi
'Alam Bendera
'Alauddin Kemuliaan agama
'Ali Tinggi
'Alim Yang berpengetahuan
'Alwan Tinggi
'Amir memakmurkan, panjang umur
'Amru Kehidupan
'Anas Unta yang kuat
'Anbar Minyak wangi
'Antar Berani dalam peperangan
'Aqib Balasan yang baik
'Aqil Yang berbudi
'Arif Bijaksana
'Ariq Baik budi
'Aruf Sabar
'Asyiq Dicintai, mencintai
'Atha Rezeki, kebaikan
'Athaullah Karunia Allah
'Athuf Sang penyayang
'Atiq Ka'bah
'Auf Srigala, singa
'Aun Pertolongan
'Aziz yang perkasa
'Azmi Keteguhan hati
Abdul Abdi
Abdul Azim Hamba Allah yang agung
Abdul aziz Hamba Allah yang mulia
Abdul basid Hamba Allah yang melimbah rahmatnya
Abdul hadi Hamba Allah yang kaya/Pemimpin
Abdul hafiz Hamba Allah yang terpelihara
Abdul Hannan Hamba yang bijaksana
Abdul hasib Hamba yang pandai menghitung
Abdullah Hamba Allah
Abdul razak Hamba yang memberi rezeki
Abdul sobur Hamba Allah yang sabar
Abqari genius
Abu bakar Nama sahabat nabi
Abu hurairah Namba sahabat nabi
Abu Ubaidah Nama sahabat nabi
Adam nama nabi
Basil Singa, pemberani
Badar Bulan purnama
Badruddin Bulan purnama agama
Bariq Bercahaya, kemilau
Bassam Selalu tersenyum
Basim Tersenyum
Basyir Pemberi kabar gembira
Bahauddin Keindahan agama
Bahir Elok
Badri Mempercepat jalannya
Bahi Indah
Burhan Dalil, bukti, cahaya
Bakri Pagi-pagi benar
Baqir Pembelah
Burhanuddin Dalil(cahaya) agama
Bakir pagi-pagi benar
Bariz Menonjol
Bisyir Berita Gembira
Banan Ujung jari
Badil Pengganti
Baliq Fasih
Budair Berjalan cepat
Buraid Dingin
Bukhori Imam perawi hadist
Badruttaman Bulan purnama
Badruzzaman Bulan purnama bagi jaman

Dzakwan Harum semerbak
Dziyab Memperoleh harta, serbuan
Dziban Penghalau
Dzulfiqar Nama pedang rasulullah saw
Dhafir menang
Dhahir Yang membantu
Dhiaulhaq sinar(cahaya) hak
Dhia Sinar, cahaya
Dhamir Yang langsing
Dhaifullah Tamu Allah
Faiz Menang
Falah Sukses- beruntung jaya
Falih Yang sukses
Fakhri kebanggaan
Farid Tunggal, permata yang mahal
Fauzan Kemenangan
Faisal Pemisah antara hak dan batil
Fuad Benak, jantung hati
Fuhaid Harimau
Fahim Memahami
Faraj Kelonggaran, pelepasan
Fauhad Anak kecil yang gemuk
Fagih Ahli fiqh
Faris Penunggang kuda
Faruq Pembeda antara hak dan batil
Farhan Bergembira
Fauzi Kemenangan
Fahd Harimau
Faiq Yang mengungguli
Fakhir Kebesaran, yang baik
Fathi Pembuka
Fahmi Pemahaman
Fikri Pemikiran
Furqon Pembeda hak dan batil
Fakhruddin Kebanggaan agama
Fadhlurrahman keutamaan dari Allah, Anugrah Arrahman
Fajari Waktu fajar
Fadholi Kelebihan, keutamaan
Faridah Tunggal, Permata yang mahal
Firdaus Nama surga tertinggi

Ghufron Pengampunan
Ghozi Prajurit medan perang
Ghalib Menang
Ghonim Yang mendapat keuntungan
Ghassan Nama suku arab

Hatim Murni
Hazim Orang yang teliti
Hamdi Pujian
Haidar Singa
Hafidh pemelihara, penghafal
Husam Pedang yang tajam
Hanif Muslim yang teguh lurus
Hamid Yang memuji
Hamdan Yang memuji
Hassan Bagus
Hammadi Pemuji
Hamdun Pujian
Hibban Ibu Hibban perawi hadist
Husni Indah
Helmi Sabar dan berakal
Hanafi Pengikut Imam Abu Hanifah
Hanbali Pengikut Imam Ahmad bin Hambal
Hasyim Pemurah, pemecah sesuati
Hawari Pengikut setia
Hilal Bulan sabit
Hadi Penunjuk jalan
Hani' Yang mengucapkan selamat
Hammam Yang mempunyai kemauan keras
Hisyam Kemurahan
Humam Maharaja, singa
Hajid Yang shalat tahajjud
Hibatullah Anugrah Allah
Hauzan Makhluk Manusia
Huwaidi Kembali kepada yang hak
Habibi Kesayanganku
Huda Petunjuk
Hidayah Petunjuk

Izzuddin Kemuliaan agama
'Ismat Kekuatan menjauhi maksiat
'Irfan Pengetahuan
'Imran Nama ayahanda Maryam as
'Isom Maksum
'Imaduddin Tiang agama
Ihsan Kebaikan
Imam Pemimpin
Iqbal Pujangga Muslim
Ikhlas Ikhlas
Iyad Gunung yang sukar didaki
Ilham Isyarat yang baik
Irsyad Petunjuk
Ijlal Terhormat, mulia
Isyraf Pengawasan
Iftikhar Kebanggaan
Ikbar Mengagumkan
Ikram Memuliakan
Is'ad Yang membahagiakan

Jamil Indah
Jamal Keindahan
Jauhar Permata
Jamaluddin Keindahan agama
Jihad Perjuangan
Junaid Tentara
Jubair Nama Ulama besar
Jalal Keagungan
Jawahir Permata-permata
Jiyad Yang baik
Juhair Suara nyaring, lantang
Jasim Badan, fisik
Jibril Malaikat Jibril
Jawad Pemurah
Jam'an Dua pasukan
Jarullah Tetangga Allah
Jubran Nama sastrawan
Jasir Keberanian
Jaiz Boleh
Jadid Baru
Jamhari kelompok manusia
Jundi Prajurit
Kamal Kesempurnaan
Kamaluddin Kesempurnaan agama
Kamil Sempurna
Kadhim Menahan diri
Khairuddin Kebaikan agama
Khairullah Kebaikan (dari) Allah
Khalis Murni
Khattab Ahli pidato
Khatib Orang yang berkhotbah
khaldun Nama seorang ahli sejarah
Khairi Kebaikan
Khalil Kesayangan
Khabir yang mengetahui dengan sebenarnya
Khozin Penyimpan harta, bendahara
Khosyi' Orang yang khusyu' dalam shalat
Khodhi' Orang yang rendah hati
Khidir Orang shahleh kawan nabi Musa as
Khalaf Anak yang baik, pengganti , ulama
Khairon kebaikan

Labib Sehat akal dan cerdik
Luthfi Lembut
Luqman Nama orang yang bijaksana
Lami' Mengkilat
Luqmanul hakim Luqman yang bijaksana
Maajid Mulia
Ma'mun Aman
Muhyiddin Yang menghidupkan agama
Mar'ie Terpelihara
Masyur Kesohor
Majdi Kemuliaan
Mukhtar Terpilih
Mas'ud Bahagia
Murtadho Diridhoi
Marwan Urusan yang lurus,seorg khalifah bani umayyah
Mustafa Pilihan
Maalik Yang memiliki
Mubarak Yang diberkahi
Mujahid Pejuang
Majduddin Kemuliaan agama
Mahbub Disukai, dicintai
Muhsin Yang berbuat kebaikan
Mahmud Terpuji
Mursyid Pemberi petunjuk jalan
Muslim Seorang muslim
Mu'min Seorang yang beriman
Muammar Berumur panjang
Mahrus Yang dijaga
Mudrik Berakal, memahami
Ma'ruf Kebaikan, yang dikenal
Mundzir Pemberi peringatan
Mustajab Terkabul doanya
Marzuq Yang diberi rezeki
Muin Penolong
Maliki Penganut mazhab Imam Malik
Mansur Yang dimenangkan
Munadi Yang berseru
Murfid Penolong
Mahir Pandai, cakap
Miftah Kunci
Munir Bersinar
Munawir Yang ikut latihan militer
Munawwir Pemutih dengan kapur
Mufrih Penggembira
Mu'tashim Terpelihara dari dosa
Mukarrom Yang mulia
Mus'ad Yang dibahagiakan
Mahdi Yang mendapat hidayah
Mushoddaq Dapat dipercaya
Mushoddiq Yang mempercayai
Muhtarom Yang terhormat (dihormati)
Muhajir Yang berhijrah
Misbah Pelita, lampu
Misbahuddin Pelita agama
Muntashir yang menang
Muflih Yang sukses, jaya
Mushlih Yang memperbaiki
Mu'afa Yang selamat-sehat
mukhlis Yang ikhlas
Mukhlas Yang ikhlas
Munif Tinggi kedudukannya, menonjol
marjan Batu permata marjan
Ma'shum Terhindar dari dosa
Maimun Yang diberkahi
Mustaqim Lurus
Marsa Pelabuhan
Musyif Pengawas
Makarim Bersifat mulia
Muthliq Pemberi sesuatu
Mamduh Yang dipuji
Mazru'i Yang ditanami
Mubasysyir Pemberi kabar gembira
Mastur Tertutup, dirahasiakan
Musyaffa' Memperoleh syafaat
Mudhoffar Yang dimenangkan
Muthohhar Yang disucikan
Masy'al Tempat menyalakan api
Ma'lum Yang diketahui
Muzakki Yang mengeluarkan zakat, yang membersihkan di
Murad Kemauan
Mahfudh Terpelihara, terjaga
Muqsith Berbuat adil
Mutawakkil Yang bertawakal
Mutawalli Yang menangani jabatan atau urusan
Mahasin Kebaikan-kebaikan
Muti' Yang selalu taat
Mufid Memberi manfaat
Manaf Gunung yang tinggi
Munib Yang berinabah(kembali) kejalan Allah
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Mustaghfirin Orang-orang yang beristighfar
Musaid Pembantu, penolong
Najmuddin Bintang agama
Mumtaz Istimewa
Nashir Penolong
Nashiruddin Penolong agama
Nashrullah Kemenangan dari Allah
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Nu'man Kenikmatan
Nuruddin Cahaya Agama
Nadhir Indah, elok
Naufal Dermawan
Nadi Tempat pertemuan
Nashif Adil, insaf, pelayan
Nizar Sedikit berbicara
Na'im Kenikmatan
Nuri Bercahaya
nabih Cerdik, mulia
Nabil Cerdik, mahir
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Nadir Jarang
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Nawad Awal mula dari sesuatu

Qosim Ganteng, yang membagi
Qoid Pemimpin
Qutub Nama pemimpin, kutub
Qani' Puas
Qosiim Yang molek
Quraisy Nama suku asal Rasulullah SAW
Qomar Bulan

Rabu, 25 Mei 2011

Dalil Hadis Tentang Aqiqah tentang Penting nya Aqikah

Hadits-hadits yang menjadi dasar disyariatkannya aqiqah cukup banyak, antara lain:

1. Hadits riwayat Imam Ahmad:

Anak-anak itu tergadai (tertahan) dengan aqiqahnya, disembelih hewan untuknya pada hari ketujuh, dicukur kepalanya dan diberi nama.

2. Hadits riwayat Aisyah r.a.:

Rasulullah SAW memerintahkan kepada kami supaya menyembelih aqiqah untuk anak laki-laki dua ekor dan untuk wanita seekor.

3. Hadits riwayat Aisyah r.a. yang lain:

Rasulullah SAW pernah membuat aqiqah untuk Hasan dan Husain pada hari ketujuhnya. (HR Ibnu Hibban, Hakim, dan Baihaqi)

4. Hadits yang diriwayatkan dari Salman bin Amar Adh-Dhahabi:

Sesungguhnya bersama anak itu ada hak diaqiqahi, maka tumpahkanlah darah baginya (dengan menyembelih hewan) dan buanglah penyakit darinya (dengan mencukur rambutnya). (HR Bukhari)

5. Hadits riwayat Abu Buraidah r.a.:

Aqiqah itu disembelih pada hari ketujuh, atau keempat belas, atau kedua puluh satunya. (HR Baihaqi dan Thabrani).

Keterangan dari hadits-hadits di atas:

Menurut Imam Ahmad (juga Al-Khatabi dan Ibnu Al-Qayyim) maksud dari kata-kata Anak-anak itu tergadai dengan aqiqahnya ialah bahwa pertumbuhan anak itu, baik badan maupun kecerdasan otaknya, atau pembelaannya terhadap ibu bapaknya pada hari kiamat akan tertahan jika ibu bapaknya tidak melaksanakan aqiqah baginya.
Ibnu Al-Qayyim menegaskan, bahwa aqiqah itu berfungsi untuk melepaskan bayi yang bersangkutan dari godaan setan.
Jumlah hewan aqiqah untuk anak laki-laki dua ekor, sedangkan untuk anak perempuan seekor.
Tentang kapan sebaiknya aqiqah dilakukan ialah saat bayi berumur 7 hari. Namun jika hal itu tidak mampu dilaksanakan, maka boleh menundanya hingga bayi berumur 14 hari. Jika masih belum mampu juga, boleh dilakukan saat bayi sudah berumur 21 hari.

Hukum Aqiqah

Hukum aqiqah adalah sunnah (muakkad) sesuai pendapat Imam Malik, penduduk Madinah, Imam Syafi'i dan sahabat-sahabatnya, Imam Ahmad, Ishaq, Abu Tsaur dan kebanyakan ulama ahli fiqih (fuqaha).
Hewan untuk Aqiqah

Sebuah riwayat yang bersumber dari Ibnu Abbas r.a., menyatakan:

Rasulullah SAW telah mengaqiqahkan buat Hasan dan Husain masing-masing satu ekor kibasy. (HR Abu Dawud).

Dari hadits di atas bisa kita dapatkan petunjuk, bahwa jenis hewan untuk aqiqah sesuai dengan yang pernah dilakukan Rasulullah SAW adalah kibasy. Hewan sejenis yang bisa dipakai adalah kambing dan biri-biri.

Syarat-syarat hewan yang bisa (sah) untuk dijadikan aqiqah itu sama dengan syarat-syarat hewan untuk kurban, yaitu:

Tidak cacat.
Tidak berpenyakit.
Cukup umur, yaitu kira-kira berumur satu tahun.
Warna bulu sebaiknya memilih yang berwarna putih.

Persyaratan tersebut sesungguhnya untuk melatih kita agar senantiasa memakan sesuatu yang terbaik, sesuai dengan firman Allah SWT:

Hai orang-orang yang beriman, nafkahkanlah (di jalan Allah) sebagian dari hasil usahamu yang baik-baik dan sebagian dari apa yang Kami keluarkan dari bumi untuk kamu. Dan janganlah kamu memilih yang buruk-buruk lalu kamu nafkahkan daripadanya, padahal kamu sendiri tidak mau mengambilnya melainkan dengan memicingkan mata terhadapnya. Dan ketahuilah, bahwa Allah Maha Kaya lagi Maha Terpuji. (QS Al-Baqarah: 267).
Rangkaian Kegiatan Aqiqah

Menamai anak

Nama merupakan sarana yang mudah dan umum digunakan untuk mengenali seseorang dan memperlancar hubungan sosial. Namun demikian janganlah kita terjebak dengan suatu nama. Sebab, baik buruknya seseorang memang tidak terletak pada namanya semata, melainkan pada akhlak dan amal shalehnya.

Dalam pandangan agama, nama juga berfungsi sebagai doa. Orang tua yang memberi anaknya dengan nama Muhammad atau Ahmad misalnya, itu merupakan doa semoga anaknya menjadi orang yang terpuji. Atau mudah-mudahan anak itu tersugesti untuk bersikap dan bertindak dengan meneladani akhlak Nabi Muhammad SAW.

Tentang pentingnya pemberian nama yang baik Nabi SAW bersabda:

Sesungguhnya kalian pada hari kiamat akan dipanggil dengan nama-nama kalian dan nama-nama bapak-bapak kalian, maka baguskanlah nama-namamu. (HR Muslim).

Mencukur rambut

Mencukur rambut bayi sebaiknya dilakukan di hadapan sanak keluarga agar mereka mengetahui dan menjadi saksi. Boleh dilakukan oleh orang tuanya sendiri. Atau jika tidak mampu, bisa diwakilkan kepada ahlinya.

Ada beberapa hal yang harus dilakukan dalam mencukur rambut bayi, yaitu:

Diawali dengan membaca basmallah.
Arah mencukur rambut dari sebelah kanan ke kiri.
Dicukur secara keseluruhan (gundul) sehingga tidak ada kotoran yang tersisa.
Rambut hasil cukuran ditimbang dan jumlah timbangan dinilai dengan nilai emas atau perak kemudian disedekahkan kepada fakir miskin.

Ada beberapa dalil yang menjadi dasar sedekah cukuran rambut yang dinilai dengan emas atau perak, di antaranya:

Imam Malik meriwayatkan hadits dari Ja'far bin Muhammad dari ayahnya, ia berkata,

Fatimah r.a. menimbang rambut Hasan, Husain dan Zainab, dan Ummu Kultsum, lalu berat timbangan rambut tersebut diganti dengan perak dan disedekahkan.

Ibnu Ishaq meriwayatkan hadits dari Abdullah bin Abu Bakar, dari Muhammad bin Ali bin Husain r.a., ia berkata, Rasulullah melaksanakan aqiqah berupa seekor kambing untuk Hasan. Beliau bersabda, Fatimah, cukurlah rambutnya. Fatimah kemudian menimbangnya dan timbangannya mencapai ukuran perak seharga satu dirham atau setengah dirham.

Yahya bin Bakr meriwayatkan dari Anas bin Malik r.a., bahwa Rasulullah SAW memerintahkan untuk mencukur rambut Hasan pada hari ketujuh setelah kelahirannya. Lalu rambutnya dicukur dan beliau mensedekahkan perak seberat rambut tadi.
Hikmah Aqiqah

Di antara hikmah di balik pensyariatan aqiqah adalah sebagai berikut:

Aqiqah merupakan suatu pengorbanan yang akan mendekatkan anak kepada Allah di masa awal ia menghirup udara kehidupan.
Aqiqah merupakan tebusan bagi anak dari berbagai musibah, sebagaimana Allah telah menebus Ismail a.s. dengan sembelihan yang besar.
Sebagai pembayaran hutang anak agar kelak di hari kiamat ia bisa memberikan syafaat kepada kedua orang tuanya.
Merupakan media untuk menunjukkan rasa syukur atas keberhasilan melaksanakan syariat Islam dan bertambahnya generasi mukmin.
Mempererat tali persaudaraan di antara sesama anggota masyarakat. Dalam hal ini aqiqah bisa menjadi semacam wahana bagi berlangsungnya komunikasi dan interaksi sosial yang sehat.

Sumber: mail-archive.com